» How to convince potential solar buyers more effectively

How to convince potential solar buyers more effectively

How to convince potential solar buyers more effectively

04 Mar, 2022 posted by solaretribe

Many solar business owners think that with so many benefits of solar system, it would sell itself. But many buyers require convincing before putting up the money. This is not very easy when there are many objections which sales person need to overcome.

We are listing some of the advice from the experts:

1 Understand the requirement better: You need to know why customer is actually looking to install solar system. Is it the power cuts or the high diesel consumption or is it the high cost of power. Once you know the requirement, you can suggest the right solution for the problem.
2. Bust the common myths: Customers are generally aware about price reduction happening in solar market. Many customers will tell you they are waiting for the prices to fall further. You can bust this myth by saying that at present government is providing many benefits. Once the cost comes down, government may pull back the benefits.
3. Give them options: For many customers paying upfront for the solar system can be expensive. You need to make them understand that they can also go for bank loan and still system will be cheaper than their current option.
4. Show them impressive returns: For any product, benefit must outweigh the cost. Even though solar is an environmentally friendly product, you must explain the financial gain they will be getting by installing the system.
5. Know your product: This is basic sales antiquate. For any sale to happen, product knowledge is a must. Solar system is an electrical system, so you must have all the knowledge of functioning of the system.

Explaining customers about common confusions and doubts will help you convince your customers better. Also, explaining how your existing customers are benefiting from solar will also help customer take right decision.

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